Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mammoth Lakes -- so pretty!

So much snow still on the mountains!  In June!

Now that I put them next together, these two scenes look redundant although they are both uniquely pretty.

This is called Convict Lake.  I don't know why but I'd like to.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blueberries + Kayaking. Blueberayaking?

Blueberry farm!

And then kayaking on a beautiful lake!

I'm pretty sure the last time I kayaked was 6th grade camp.
Darla: I've never seen a dog with a life jacket before. Carol: Yeah, she's a sinker.

What a lovely Saturday morning!

Friday, June 17, 2011

BBQ season is upon us.

Excited to have our first summer BBQ of the season!
Note: This and the previous post are in no way related.

I call him Jacques.

The other day we came home to find Carol, one of the women who lives next door, kneeling down by the driveway with what I thought was a new puppy!  (eeee!)
Turns out -- not so much puppy (boooo) but more injured fox (whaaat?).  When we drove up, he trotted off up the hill but it was clear that something was wrong (we suspect maybe he was suffering from poison).  Sometimes his legs worked, sometimes they didn't.  Jason followed him up the hill where he had laid down.  The rest of the story tells itself.

Maybe he's just resting?

Right at dusk we heard a cry.  The dogs had got jacques and he was dead. (Dramatic reenactment)

We put him in the fridge overnight.

It's just a bag people, just a bag.

Now what?

Special delivery!

wait for it....

wait for it....

good morning, jacques!


"Say hello to my leel friend."

Time to put the model on the stand!

Amazingly if you put a fox in the fridge overnight, he will have a beautiful pose  for you to paint the next day.

He stayed like this pretty much the whole time Jason painted him.

And now he is a beautiful painting!
Update: Jacques has been delivered the California Department of Fish and Game to try and determine the mysterious nature of his ailments.  We have a betting pool here at the house regarding the results --  $5 to enter, winner take all.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So cute it will melt your face

We are back in hills after an extended, but awesome, stay in San Diego.
While we were gone, a new colt was born!
He's so cute I could cry.

Donna holding him so I can pet him.  He is so soft!

With his fancy coat!

Does this colt make my butt look big?

Oh my.

He likes to suck on Jason's fingers.  We suspect it's the nicotine.